Archive: Lectures and Workshops until 2013

Korrelierende Rotationen, BUZZ! Vortragsreihe Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, Foto: Malte Roloff

“New Lines”, workshop students in the framework of the project bermuda garden, wasteland between offices, university and accommodation 2016 @ Mona Jas

Studio 1 / Bethanien, Berlin, Workshop Begriffen? Mit der Arbeit von Sanja Ivekovic, The Rohrbach Living Memorial, 2005, Foto: Stephy Stahl

Galerie ў, Minsk,Workshop, Wen interessiert denn noch die zeitgenössische Kunst? Es gibt doch youtube!

links: BDK, Werkstatt, Mitte: ESMOD,Collage;
rechts: NGBK, Berlin, Workshop mit Museumspädagog_innen, Quam, Teilhabe

links: Workshop Stanford University Program Berlin;
rechts: Künstler Peter Kewowo, Goethe Institut Projekt mit Schüler_innen der Peter-Jordan-Schule

links: ESMOD,Visualisierung von Figur und Kleidung zu Atemschaukel von Herta Müller;
rechts: BDK, Werkstatt, Freiheit im Kunstunterricht bei einer parktischen Ãœbung nach Augusto Boal
Lectures and Workshops until 2013
Practice as an artist and art mediator. Lecture: Keynote Workshop Art Mediation at Lower Saxony Art Associations, in cooperation with the Federal Academy for Cultural Education Wolfenbüttel.
Freedom and Art Education. Lecture for engage, summerschool, GB, speaker at the conference.
Labelling versus democratization in strategies of contemporary art and their mediation. Lecture, plattform kunstdialoge with the University of Applied Arts Vienna, AT.
Artistic work and teaching concept of artistic teaching. Lecture Bauhaus University Weimar Faculty of Design.
“You can’t can’t”. Artistic conception of the symposium for art teachers, in cooperation with Detlef David, LISUM Brandenburg and Claudia Schönherr-Heinrich.
Who for whom in whose interest? And how? Lecture and Workshop, University of the Arts, Institute for Art Didactics and Aesthetic, Education, with Dr. Silke Feldhoff
Resistance – the desire to be against it. Conception and realization of the symposium for art teachers*, in cooperation with Detlef David, LISUM Brandenburg and Claudia Schümann.
Dig it? Workshops in collaboration with Sigrun Drapatz as part of the exhibition Reconsidering Roma, Aspects of Roma and Sinti-Life in Contemporary Art curated by Lith Bahlmann and Matthias Reichelt at Studio 1/Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin.
Profession: Art teacher. How art teachers promote artistic learning processes, perceive and develop competencies, and support aspects of identity formation. The artistic education and artistic experience in its relation to the practice of art teaching. Presentation of the research project. Lecture: Akademie Münster –
Who is still interested in contemporary art? There is yotube! Lecture and workshop on the participation in the exhibition Die Plejaden #1, Minsk, Belarus, Goethe Institut Minsk and Galerie ý
Are artists the better mediators? Lecture and Workshop Stiftung Genshagen, Bundesverband der deutschen Kinder- und Jugendmuseen with the support of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM), speaker at the conference Kunst der Vermittlung – Vermittlung der Kunst.
School meets university: Art education in dialogue. Lecture on cooperation between artist*in and art teacher*in the seminar series of the University of the Arts, Department of Fine Arts.
Artistic art mediation. Lecture and workshop on the teaching concept of art mediation for scholarship holders* of Kulturmanagement Osteuropa Robert Bosch Stiftung at the nGbK, Berlin.
Freedom in art education. Head of the art workshop of the BDK Fachverband für Kunstlehrer*innen (professional association for art teachers)
Participation. Conception and management of the workshops for museum educators*, Federal Academy for Cultural Education Wolfenbüttel within the framework of Mischen: possible in der nGbK.
Between Fences. Conception and management of workshops with students of the Stanford University Program Berlin in the context of Mischen: possible, nGbK in cooperation with Maria Biege.
Artists, market and galleries. Lectures and presentations of the artistic work and teaching concept at the Institute for Social and Political Sciences, FU Berlin.
Conception and supervision of internships. For students of various faculties (fine arts, art education, cultural studies and art mediation) within the framework of Mischen: possible, nGbK
Theoretical and practical introduction to artistic art mediation. Ifa Rave Scholar, Curator Daila Khasawnih, Jordan and Artist Peter Kewowo Namibia, Goethe Institute Project
Art mediation between conformity and resistance. Speaker of the conference Bundesakademie für kulturelle Bildung, Wolfenbüttel in cooperation with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Kunstvereine AdKV (Association of German Art Associations)
Listening – Playing – Watching, Music – what for? Panel contribution: Speaker for the field of Fine Arts/International Music Education Symposium Bludenz, Austria
Colors, voices, faces. Lecture and presentation of the artistic work in its relation to the theory of colour Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Goethe Institute Istanbul.